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+1 (647) 694-9484

Give Dawah

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Are you eager to discharge your duties entrusted by Quran as per the verse above? Do you have some experience doing dawah? Are you fresh in this field? Are you not connected, do you want to be a part of bigger community?

Social Media Collaboration

Help Spread Dawah by using Social-Media platforms to reach a wider audience. Use your influence through these online tools to give Dawah across the world.

Dawah Partner

Constant feeding of abundant misinformation about Islam, for long period of time, has made it incumbent upon us to provide correct knowledge of what Islam is. Remove misconception and apprehension about Islam.

Learn to Give Dawah

Meet Your Muslim Neighbor (Da’wah Training Workshops), We at Al-Furqaan Foundation are currently available to offer your communities this free Da’wah workshop. Most of the time, we do a workshop between Maghrib and Ish’a.

become a volunteer

Become the One Who is Considered a Hero

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Volunteer To
Give Dawah

Join our team of Dawahteers, Dawah Volunteers. We need volunteers for many dawah related activities including street dawah. Our aim is to spread the message of the Holy Quran to everyone in Canada; you can be part of this.

If you are planning to do some dawah event, get in touch with us, we will help you with resources.
You can be in any part of the country, of any age group (at least adult), male, female from any ethnicity contact us at [email protected]

“Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining al-ma`roof and forbidding al-Munkar. And it is they who are successful.” (3: 104).

Are you a person keen on playing your part in dawah activities?

Are you eager to discharge your duties entrusted by Quran as per the verse above?

Do you have some experience doing dawah?

Are you fresh in this field?

Are you not connected, do you want to be a part of bigger community?

Do you have your own group?

Social Media Collaboration

Become a Social Media Collaborator

Social-Media is the path of the future and allows us as individuals to be highly connected more than ever. We can capitalize on this connectivity to work together and spread Islam in ways that have never before been achieved which are faster and wider reaching than word of mouth. We are looking for influences who are willing to use their platforms to help us spread Islam and give Dawah. If you are interested please visit our Contact Us page and send us a short message about how you would like to contribute.

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Dawah Partner

Constant feeding of abundant misinformation about Islam, for long period of time, has made it incumbent upon us to provide correct knowledge of what Islam is. Remove misconception and apprehension about Islam, introduce them to beauty-serenity-harmony of excellent teachings prescribed by Islam, they will be indebted to us forever. If we fail to inform them about Islam they will testify against us on the Day of Judgment.

Following verses from Quran directs us in clear words about our duty to inform everyone around us about Islam
Let there from you arise a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al Maruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are successful. 3.104
You (true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah) are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-maruf and (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden) and you believe in Allah: 3.110
Thus you are appointed as the model community so that you become witnesses against humankind….”2.143
The same directive is emphasized in the farewell sermon by our beloved prophet (PBUH).
Those who are present should covey (my message) to those who are not. Convey for me even if it is one ayah(Bukhari and others).
Again Quran directs us to follow the footsteps of our beloved prophet (PBUH).
Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah (Muahammed PBUH) you have a good example to follow, for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah Much. 33.21
But introducing Islam to Non-Muslims requires lot efforts and resources; every one of us does not possess those skills, tools and resources. So it is prudent to do join our efforts and work together. Al-Furqaan Foundation has published English Translation of the message of The Quran. Al Furqaan also has translation in many other languages. Al Furqaan is trying to make the translation available in all major languages of the world. Over and above this, we have big collection of books about introducing and learning the Islam suitable for every level. We also have resources to train someone for Dawah. Getting connected with Al Furqaan Foundation will give you a exposure to many other organizations and individual who are active in educating others about Islam, which can equip us to be more effective.

Dawah Partner

Da’wah Training Workshops

Meet Your Muslim Neighbor

We at Al-Furqaan Foundation are currently available to offer your communities this free Da’wah workshop. Most of the time, we do a workshop between Salatul-Maghrib and Ish’a. It usually takes a hour + 30 min of Q and A. Below is a description of the

MEET YOUR MUSLIM NEIGHBOR workshop From Imam Eesaa Wood:

“From 2011 until 2014, I was the Da’wah committee president of The Islamic Center of Greensboro, NC. In that time I established a monthly open house invitation to the city to come to the Masjid for a tour of the building, introduction to Islam, a free meal and free materials to continue seeking knowledge of Islam. The result of the program was around 2,000 men, women, and children from all backgrounds and religious traditions engaging in direct contact with our community and learning about the faith of Islam.

“Meet your Muslim neighbor” is a workshop presentation about how to create your own version of this successful program in your community. I will explain all of the different methods I used and have since discovered to outreach to your community. I will show you various services both free and cost effective that you can use to enhance and sustain your already existing Da’wah programs. Finally, I will introduce the community to the various levels of outreach work being done in the USA and dialog with members to help establish what type of Da’wah work your community is comfortable doing.

It requires a laptop, speakers, a microphone and a projector with screen or appropriate projection surface. This program has already been implemented in several communities in the USA. I’d be happy to provide you with references of communities who have already had this workshop.

PRESS Coverage of Meet Your Muslim Workshop Events

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Imam Eesaa Wood’s Bio